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Genevieve Michon

Geneviève Michon

Geneviève Michon is a research director at the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) as well as an ethnobotanist. She is interested in the relationships between trees and societies around the world and has led numerous research projects related to agroforestry on themes such as ancestral knowledge, rural heritage or the relationship between nature and agriculture. She is also the au-thor of various books, including " Agriculteurs à l'ombre des forêts du monde ". Her expertise on the relationship of societies to trees, i.e. ethnobotany, as well as his ad-vocacy for the valorization of peasant agroforestry systems, is recognized worldwide. She will address the valorization of local knowledge and rural heritage as well as the close links that exist between ecology and agroforestry.

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